Vision of a Graduate

Vision of a Graduate

Joyful Disciples

  • Love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength

  • Exhibit joy, peace, and hope

  • Love Christ’s church and regularly worship to tune their hearts and affections to that of their Maker

Rooted in Truth

  • Knowledgeable of the redemptive meta-narrative, Truth, and theological nuances found in God’s Word

  • Able to contend for their faith and to give a response for the hope they have 

  • Life-long desire to increase in knowledge and wisdom, clinging to what is right

  • Appreciative of objective truth, goodness, and beauty as a reflection of the holiness and eternal majesty of God 

Glorifying God

  • Obedient to God’s calling and leading

  • Faithful in spiritual disciplines and service 

  • Lead their families in generational instruction and discipleship

Curious Thinkers

  • Intellectually curious adults who realize all knowledge is made complete only when seen and understood in relation to the eternal glory and purposes of the triune God

  • Thoughtful analyzers who learn and think for themselves

  • Lifelong learners who weigh what they have learned against society’s values and instruction

  • Equipped to understand and build culture in our current age because of a grasp on the historical and cultural contexts of history, language, and art that have led us to our present time 

Eloquent Communicators

  • Articulate in speech and written word

  • Winsome in engagement, respectful, and socially graceful and gracious

  • Effective in persuasion

Passionate Stewards of God’s Gifts

  • Self-Aware of Natural and Spiritual Gifting

  • Open-Handed with Gifts to Serve God’s Purpose

  • Compassionate for those without hope and equipped to joyfully fulfill the Great Commission with gratitude and humility