RP Rogers joined Summit in the fall of 2023. He recently served as pastor of Christ Canyon Fellowship in Montana as well as the Guest Services Manager of the West Glacier KOA Resort.

Originally from southern West Virginia, his background includes pastoring churches in West Virginia, North Carolina, Wyoming, in addition to Montana.

Mr. Rogers desires to instill in students an abiding love for the Lord Jesus bearing the good fruits of repentance and faith.

In the Dean of Students role, he aims to partner with Summit families in paying attention to and promoting student spiritual development. Mr. Rogers guides the students on the practice of spiritual disciplines like regular engagement with God’s Word, vibrant prayer, and joyful singing. This development of true virtue comes as we are in communion with Christ or, we could say, “bound with Christ” who is “with us, within us, behind us, before us, beside us, beneath us, and above us.” (Patrick’s Breastplate).